Operation Of Gene Variant Linked To ADHD Shown By Scientists

A multinational collaboration between researchers from Spain, Mexico and Argentina revealed, that mice could provide an insight into how specific receptor subtypes in the brain could be responsible in increasing a person's risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and help explaining how stimulants work to treat symptoms of ADHD.
 The research was conducted by the Intramural Research Program (IRP) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), which is a part of the National Institutes of Health.

ADHD is associated with dysfunction of the dopamine D4 receptor subtype in addition to other disorders characterized by decreased impulse control, including drug abuse. One subtype variant of the dopamine D4 receptor, called D4.7, that has been poorly understood until now, was of particular interest to the researchers because of its higher occurrence in ADHD diagnosed patients.

Researchers inserted three variants of the dopamine D4 receptor into cells and into mice, to evaluate differences in biological activities. The study was published in today's Molecular Psychiatry and revealed, that unlike its D4.2 and D4.4 counterparts, the D4.7 variant was not able to interact with the short version of the dopamine type 2 (DS2) receptor to reduce glutamate release in the brain's region that is linked to impulsivity and ADHD symptoms in humans.

NIDA Director Dr. Nora D. Volkow said,

"Although previous studies have shown that dysfunctional dopamine D4 receptors are implicated in ADHD, this is the first study to show how this genetic difference might translate into functional deficits seen with this disorder," continuing, "Further research is needed to explore how this deficient interaction between receptors might be remedied, which could then lead to new medications for the treatment of ADHD."

Children with ADHD have difficulty in paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors. They may be overly active which often results in poor school performance and social difficulties and also have an increased risk for substance use disorders especially if their symptoms remain untreated.

ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed neurobehavioral childhood disorder with numbers of diagnosed children continuing to rise. The National Survey of Children's Health by the Center of Disease Control showed, that from 2003 until 2007 the number of ADHD cases identified by parents of children between the ages of 4 to 17 years rose to 21.8 percent. Nearly one in 10 children of this age group was at some point diagnosed with ADHD by 2007.

66.3% percent of children currently diagnosed with ADHD received medication for their disorder. The most widely used treatment for ADHD is psychostimulant medication, but although these medicines alleviate some of the symptoms in ADHD, it is uncertain how these compounds act within the brain to do so.

Dr. Sergi Ferre, leading author of the study, said, 

"Our results suggest that psychostimulants might reduce glutamate release by amplifying this D4/D2S interaction. These results might also explain why these medications are less efficient in patients with the D4.7 variant."

The study was the result of a multinational collaboration between researchers at the NIDA IRP, institutes in Spain (the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Navarra), Mexico (the National Polytechnic Institute), and Argentina (the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). For more information please visit: http://www.nature.com/mp/index.html.

More information on the use of stimulants to treat ADHD can be found here.

Link to further information on ADHD symptoms, its causes, treatments and how to get help and cope with the disorder.

TV Watching That Exceeds Six Hours A Day Can Reduce Life By Up To 5 Years

Research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests, watching television for approximately six hours daily could shorten the viewers life expectancy by almost five years. Competing with other well known behavioral risk factors, such as smoking and not enough exercise, the investigation indicates.

Sedentary behavior (as distinct from too little exercise) is linked with a increased risk of death, especially from heart attack orstroke. Watching TV makes up for a huge amount of sedentary activity, but its impact on life expectancy has not been evaluated, say the researchers.

To assemble a lifetime risk framework, researchers used previously published information on the connection between TV viewing time and death from analyses of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab), together with Australian national population and mortality figures for 2008.

Including over 11,000 adults aged 25 or older, and beginning in 1999-2000, AusDiab is a national survey of a representative sample of the population.

The researchers then created a risk framework for the Australian population in 2008, based upon answers those participating in the survey had provided, when questioned about the total time they spent in the previous week watching TV or videos.

In 2008 it was estimated that Australian adults (25 years and over) watched 9.8 billion hours of TV, which led them to calculate that each hour of TV watched after the age of 25 reduced the life expectancy of the viewer by just under 22 minutes.

The researchers calculated based on these figures, that in comparison to someone who does not watch TV, those who spend a lifetime average of over six hours daily watching television can expect to live just under 5 years less.

These figures compare with additional well known lifestyle risk factors of death from cardiovascular disease after the age of 50, including physical activity and obesity.

According to the researchers risk framework other investigations, for example, have shown the lifelong smoking is connected with the shortening of life expectancy by over 4 years after the age of 50, with the average loss of life from each cigarette calculated to be 11 minutes - the same as half an hour of watching TV.

The researchers say their findings indicate that substantial loss of life may be linked with prolonged TV viewing. Also adding,

"While we used Australian data, the effects in other industrialized and developing countries are likely to be comparable, given the typically large amounts of time spent watching TV and similarities in disease patterns."

They conclude,
If these [figures] are confirmed and shown to reflect a causal association, TV viewing is a public health problem comparable in size to established behavioral risk factors."