Gain Weight for Your Thin Body

Some of you who have a thin body may desire to gain weight. Of course this is not an easy thing, just not easy for those who want to lose weight. A thin body has very little fat and this body type not able to store fat in large amounts.
If you are trying to increase the portion of your eating to increase your weight, this is also not a good solution. If a thin body gets too much fat, the body will fail store fat. Human body metabolism will be increase drastically and will rid all new fats. A human body has ability to keep a stable fat level.
You can only gain weight of your thin body by increasing muscle mass, not gaining fat. Increasing muscle mass means you have to exercise and choosing foods that can increase muscle mass. Skinny people still have to arrange what their food and eating schedule, 5-6x a day. Eating with a frequency of 5-6x a day with a medium portion still needed to make all food absorbed by the body optimally. The portion was not too much will not make new fat discarded.
In addition to a regular diet, you should also pay attention to your sleep time, avoid sleeping too late. Caffeinated beverages, alcohol and cigarettes can also be an inhibiting factor to increase your weight. If you have a plan to increase your body weight with weight gain supplements, there is a good idea to consult with your doctor or nutritionist first.

10 steps to help you get a great night's sleep

1. Make a list of what you need to do the next day, write it all down and keep that paper and pen near your bedside in case you think of anything else you need to do. When you write things down your giving your brain the signal that it no longer needs to think about those tasks.

2. Don't watch television or listen to the radio (especially the news) before retiring for the night - and certainly do not fall asleep with the TV or radio on.

3. Read some inspirational or self-growth material for at least 30 minutes prior to bed. Your goal is to fill your mind with inspirational thoughts before falling asleep so that the last thoughts you have before drifting off are uplifting thoughts - as opposed to the stressful thoughts that most people fall asleep thinking about.

4. Make sure the room that you're sleeping in is as dark as possible - the body is made to sleep when it's dark out - the darker the room the more potential for a deep sleep.

5. Make the room as silent as possible - turn off all electric devices and ask others in the house to be as quite as they can be.
6. Don't eat for at least 3 hours before going to bed. When there's undigested food in the stomach your body is forced to focus on digesting that food rather than being focused on repairing your body and mind - which is what sleep is all about! The body was designed to digest food best while moving - not while laying down.

7. Try to go to bed at approximately 10:00 pm and awake at approximately 6:00 am. In Ayurvedic medicine it's believed that there are cycles that are the most conducive for certain activities. Going to bed at 10:00 pm and arising at 6:00 am appears to allow the body to rest the deepest, rejuvenate the most, and gives the person the most energy throughout the day.

8. Don't take drugs or vitamins/herbs that are supposed to help you sleep (unless required by your physician). Most of these artificial sleeping aids do nothing more than deaden your senses - the goal of 'sleep' is to give your body the time and means to repair itself and prepare for the coming day. When you drug yourself to sleep, every system in your body is slowed down, including all those systems that are responsible for repairing you.

9. Make sure that there's a fresh air supply in the room. The air indoors is said to be some of the most toxic air around. When you sleep, you're only able to breath in the air that surrounds you in your enclosed bedroom. Try opening a window (if it's cold outside then just open the window a crack). The fresh air that comes in while you sleep will help your body repair itself because you'll have access to cleaner, more oxygenated air.

10. That day, do 60 minutes of mild exercise. If you don't have time to do 60 minutes in a row, then break it up into 2 - 30 minute sessions, or 3 - 20 minute session, or 6 - 10 minute sessions --- just get a full 60 minutes in. The best exercise when talking about general health and preparing your body for a great night's sleep is "walking"


Bad Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Women

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can make an impact not only bad for the health of a man, but it also gives negative effects on a woman. Bad effects of excessive alcohol consumption by women have even worse consequences than those experienced by men. The studies say that women get drunk faster and diseases caused by alcohol is easier to attack a woman.

In this health article, we will try to outline some of bad effects that can be experienced when a woman consumes excessive alcohol. We hope this health article may provide a boost for you to reduce excessive alcohol consumption, or a reference for you to do a Private Addiction Treatment.

An alcoholic woman can suffer damage in her brain, especially in cognitive neurological function. This also occurs in alcoholic men. Alcoholic women have poor test results in problem solving, planning, terms of visual memory and cognitive flexibility skills. Besides damaging the nerves of the brain, alcohol also damages the liver.

The composition of water in the body of a woman less than men, the man’s body contained 65 percent water, while only 55 percent in women’s body. With less water composition makes women more easily intoxicated when consuming alcohol. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and then carried by water into the cell. Caused the water in the body of a woman less make alcohol concentration in blood is higher even though they drank with same amount as men.

Although liver in women is not sensitive to alcohol, but a high concentration of alcohol in their body will make a woman more easily damaged liver than men. In addition, the enzymes that convert alcohol into an inactive material contain less in a woman. If a woman and a man have a same weight given a same amount of alcohol, blood alcohol levels in women are three times higher.

A bad effect of excessive alcohol consumption can lead to malnutrition and low body resistance to disease, as well as giving a bad effect on a woman’s appearance. Consumption of alcoholic beverages for women who are pregnant will damage their baby. This will influence on children’s cognitive abilities in the future. Not only cognitive problems of children born to a mother who consumed alcohol during pregnancy, the children will also experience problems with lack of attention and reaction.

Hopefully with this health article, Bad Effects of Excessive Alcohol Consumption in Women, it can be a boost for you for a healthy life by reducing the consumption of alcohol. For those of you who are addicted to alcohol, there is a good idea to visit the alcohol rehabilitation centers, such as Luxury Alcohol Rehab or Private Drug Rehab.