Scotland's Shame Over Respiratory Strategy

The new Scottish Government must act quickly to stop the country lagging behind the rest of the UK when it comes to planning respiratory care, according to Asthma UK Scotland.

The charity made the call at the launch in Edinburgh of the updated Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network/ British Thoracic Society's British Guideline on the Management of Asthma.

Gordon Brown, Asthma UK Scotland's National Director says: 'England, Wales and Northern Ireland have all developed, or are developing, respiratory strategies and it is shameful Scotland has repeatedly rejected the idea.

'A national strategy would bring together examples of best practice from across Scotland and end the "postcode lottery" of care that currently exists. It would standardise treatment across Scotland, ensuring that primary and secondary care are linked more effectively, that self-management becomes the norm for treatment for asthma and that clear and consistent standards are set for treatment.

'We do different things very well in different parts of Scotland. We would like to see that excellence available consistently across the country and we look forward to working with the new Scottish Government to ensure this happens.'

Health services across the UK are being encouraged to order a copy of Asthma UK's Guide to Good Asthma Care for Adults and Children with Asthma, which outlines what a best practice asthma service should be in line with recommended clinical guidance and ensure that everyone responsible for asthma care is appropriately trained to deliver it.

Asthma UK Scotland


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