THT Launches New Weekly HIV Testing Session In Telford, UK

HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is to launch a mid-week rapid HIV testing session in Telford, to compliment the existing weekend service. Following a launch event on Friday 10th June, the service will run every Wednesday evening from THT's centre on Park Street.

The rapid testing service, which is called 'Fastest', is free and confidential. The clinic is open to everyone, providing an alternative testing environment for people who are not able to access services during the normal working day, or who may be put off by hospitals and traditional sexual health clinics.

Testing is done using a finger-prick blood test, with the results provided within one hour. Those who attend the clinic will be given information and support before and after the test, and those who test positive will be referred immediately to a specialist clinic. THT staff will also provide free condoms, and information and advice on safer sex.

The launch on Friday 10th June runs from midday until 6:00pm. During that time members of the public can come in and see for themselves what the service is like, as well as find out more about what THT is doing locally.

Lotte Hakeman, Senior Practitioner at THT in Telford, said: "With advances in HIV treatment, there are now far more reasons to know your HIV status than there are not to. However, some people might find it difficult taking time out from work to check-up on their sexual health. We're delighted to be expanding our Fastest service, and hope we can encourage more people to come forward for testing and reduce undiagnosed HIV locally. So, if you haven't had a test in a while, or you're worried you may have put yourself at risk, please come along and take advantage of our fast and friendly service."

From Wednesday 15th June, THT will run a weekly 'Fastest' clinic in Telford on Wednesday evenings from 5:00pm - 7:00pm; and a monthly Saturday clinic from 12:30pm - 2:30pm on the first Saturday of the month. Testing is also available at other times by appointment. All clinics take place at 4 Park Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 3AE. For further information or to make an appointment, please call (01952) 221410, or email

Terrence Higgins Trust


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